Evolution of a photograph From taken to your final vision

Hi, thanks for checking out my blog. I thought it would be good to show an example of my unedited to finished shot process. This example was taken on my settee in my living room with a cheap £20 small ring light. Then processed in Lightroom CC and Photoshop. Just goes to show you can get amazing results with a little time in editing.

Original raw

The original RAW shot as taken, I won't get into the jpeg vs raw debate I just prefer the raw format as it gives me more customization in lightroom/photoshop.

post processing

Edited in lightroom CC. Started with bringing back the highlights of the face and darkening the edges to give the subject more emphasis. Texture and sharpness added to the eyes and a light softness applied to the skin. Removed a few stray strands of hair in photoshop

final result

Now I like both the version on the left and this. But I fancied doing a composite shot. Admittedly they are not to everyone's liking but I suppose it's down to your own personal tastes. So I added a rainy window affect using photoshop and altered the contrast slightly.

a quick transition video